What’s Necessary To Keep Dental Implants Clean?

If you're interested in having dental implants installed to replace one or more missing teeth, you probably have questions about hygiene. Keeping prosthetic teeth like bridges and dentures often require special cleaning practices in order to keep them tidy, so it's a reasonable question to ask. Read on to learn what's needed to clean implants and how they offer advantages over both teeth and other forms of prosthetics.

How to Clean Dental Implants

It might surprise you to learn that keeping dental implants clean is no different than cleaning normal, healthy teeth. Dental implants are designed to be as closely similar to real teeth as possible. This means that they're permanent, and each implant takes up an individual slot like a real tooth would, rather than encompassing more than one spot like a pair of dentures.

In order to keep your implants clean, you should plan on regularly flossing and brushing all of your teeth, just as you normally would. Additional steps you can take include rinsing with mouthwash and using a water flosser to help keep your gums healthy. However, you don't need to do anything beyond what you normally would for healthy teeth: that's one of the biggest benefits of dental implants.

Advantages of Implants Over Teeth

If the ease of cleaning weren't enough, dental implants have one additional advantage over real teeth. Real teeth are extremely susceptible to damage in the form of dental decay. Bacteria, plaque, and tartar can break down teeth, creating cavities, as well as infecting and inflaming the roots of the teeth.

While you will still need to maintain good oral hygiene in order to keep your gums healthy, dental implants aren't susceptible to decay or root damage. Dental implants are built to last, and aren't harmed by bacteria the way that the living enamel and bone of your teeth are. In addition, the titanium peg that acts as a tooth implant's root can't be infected or inflamed from gum disease.

Keep in mind, however, that severe gum disease can still harm your surrounding teeth and potentially the bone in your jaw. If the bone degrades, your implants may not fit as well as they did during installation. As such, it's important to continue visiting your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings.

If you're looking for a permanent solution to your missing tooth problem, dental implants can easily fit the bill. Talk to a dentist like John S. Lyon DDS about whether or not dental implants will work for you to get your teeth fixed right away.
