Effects Pregnancy Can Have on Your Oral Health

Did you know that pregnancy can negatively affect your mouth and oral health? Many women who are pregnant do not realize this, but it is very important to understand the correlation and risks of pregnancy on your oral health. Here are some of the main effects pregnancy can have on your teeth, gums, and mouth.


Many things in your body change during a pregnancy, and these changes can affect your oral health. One change that occurs in pregnancy is the increase in hormones in your body. These hormone changes can cause bacteria to fester in your body, and this bacteria can lead to oral-health problems. The main one is gingivitis, which is considered a mild form of gum disease.

You will know if you have gingivitis if your gums hurt, swell, or bleed easily. You can prevent this from occurring by taking extra-good care of your teeth and mouth during your entire pregnancy. You should continue to visit the dentist during your nine months of pregnancy for cleanings and exams, and you should brush and floss your teeth often.

Higher risk of cavities

Some women experience morning sickness for a few weeks or months during their pregnancy, and there are even some that have this for the entire pregnancy. Morning sickness can leave you feeling nauseated, and it can even cause you to vomit. If you vomit during your pregnancy, you will be exposing your teeth to a lot of acid from your stomach. This acid can eat away at your teeth, and this can leave you with more cavities.

To prevent this, you should take good care of your teeth. If you vomit during your pregnancy, make sure you rinse your mouth out afterward and brush your teeth to eliminate the acids that came into your mouth from vomiting.

Dry mouth

The other risk to know about is dry mouth. This does not always occur during pregnancy, but it does affect many women. Dry mouth can be very uncomfortable and hard to treat, and it can also put you at a higher risk for developing cavities. Your saliva cleans your teeth. Without enough of it, bacteria may remain on your teeth too long, and this could lead to dental cavities.

If you are about to get pregnant, or if you are already pregnant, make sure you visit a dentist to learn more about reducing the negative effects pregnancy can have on your oral health. 
