Minimizing The Discomfort Of A Dental Cleaning
Your teeth should be professionally cleaned at least once every six months. During the procedure, your dentist scrapes tartar formations from the teeth. Tartar builds up as dental plaque hardens after being allowed to remain in place undisturbed for a prolonged period. Once tartar develops, it is too hard to be removed by simple brushing and flossing. The removal requires specialized scaling tools that your dentist uses during a dental cleaning.
After the yellow tartar is scraped away, the teeth look cleaner. Additionally, the breath smells fresher, since oral bacteria can no longer hide in pores of the tartar. Also, the teeth and gums may remain healthier without the hard, bacteria-containing substance along the gum line. Still, although dental cleanings are necessary, they are not always comfortable. Here are a few things that you can do to minimize your discomfort during your next dental cleaning.
Brush and Floss Regularly
Brushing and flossing on schedule can help reduce the amount of tartar that accumulates on your teeth. Although tartar requires professional removal, its predecessor, dental plaque, is soft enough to be brushed or flossed away. By brushing at least twice daily and flossing at least once, you limit the amount of time that plaque is left on the teeth. As a result, the sticky mixture of bacteria and leftover food particles is less likely to harden.
Only Brush With a Soft Toothbrush
The bristles of a hard toothbrush can erode your tooth enamel, leaving you with sensitive teeth. The enamel is the outermost layer of the tooth material. Beneath it, the dentin, which contains tubules that house the dental nerves, is located. When the dentin is exposed to environmental factors, such as extreme changes in temperature or the pressure from a scaling tool, pain may result.
Brush With a Fluoride Toothpaste
Your toothpaste should contain fluoride. The fluoride helps keep the tooth enamel mineralized, lessening the chance of dental sensitivity. As your teeth are exposed to acids, the tooth enamel is dissolved, leading to breaches in the enamel surface. The fluoride attracts displaced minerals back to the enamel and forms a new tooth material that is more resistant to demineralization.
Use an Antibacterial Mouthwash
One of the reasons for discomfort during a dental cleaning is poor gum health. Gingivitis, which is an early form of gum disease, can cause swollen, sensitive gums. An antibacterial mouth rinse can help reduce the number of acid-producing bacteria in the mouth to lessen the gingival inflammation.
If you have not had a dental cleaning in the last six months, schedule an appointment with a dentist in your local area.