4 Reasons Why You Should Consider Tooth Extraction Surgery

One of the most common tooth-related problems is when a tooth becomes severely infected. When this happens, there is only one option: to have the tooth surgically extracted. Many people associate tooth extraction with pain and discomfort, but there are many benefits to getting it done. For starters, you will have a beautiful smile that is free of imperfections. It may also be beneficial for your oral health in the long term. Read More 

How to Strengthen Your Tooth Enamel

Your tooth enamel is the most important barrier your teeth have against bacteria. When bacteria are able to infiltrate the enamel, they eventually cause cavities. Reducing enamel damage and finding ways to strengthen weak enamel is your best defense against potential dental problems. Start With Your Diet A poor diet is not only deficient in trace minerals responsible for keeping your enamel strong, it may also have other qualities that weaken it. Read More 

4 Reasons To Start Seeing Your Dentist More Often

Most people only visit a dental practice when they are in some pain, be it from a toothache, inflamed gums, or an injury to the mouth. While this is common, you should see your dentist more, scheduling a checkup every six months. Here is a look at a few great reasons why you should see your dentist more often. Catch Any Problems Early From tooth decay and cavities to gum disease and oral cancer, the prognosis is always better when you catch dental problems and any other issues around oral health early. Read More 

Are Dental Implants Really A Permanent Solution For A Missing Tooth?

If you're looking to replace a missing tooth, you've probably heard that dental implants are intended to act as a permanent, non-removable tooth replacement system. But how permanent can they really be? Three Different Parts It's necessary to understand a bit about the various parts of a dental implant. The way the term is used, you might think that a dental implant is a single unit, but most implants are made up of three different parts which work in perfect harmony. Read More 

5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Dental Implants For Your Damaged Or Missing Teeth

For many decades, dentists have been using dentures as the ideal method to replace missing or broken teeth. However, newer technologies have brought about dental implants, which are considered the new gold standard in dentistry. Dental implants are implanted into the jaw bone, unlike dentures, which are susceptible to shifting. Because dental implants stimulate the jaw bone, the patient doesn't suffer from bone loss. Read on for five more benefits of opting for dental implants. Read More