Most Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Tooth Displacement

The teeth in your mouth are supported by strong bones and tissue that keep them firmly seated in place. However, a hard hit in the mouth during an accident can easily displace a permanent tooth. Displacement does not mean a tooth is completely out, but merely moved from its original position. This is a more common issue in the front of the mouth where teeth are left vulnerable and are much easier to knock out of place. Read More 

Can Removing A Child’s Tonsils Correct Sleep Apnea?

Pediatric sleep apnea is a serious disease that can have a deleterious effect on your child's mental, emotional and physical health. There are a number of causes for the condition, but one of the most common contributing factors of its development in young people is tonsils. Here's what you need to know about this issue and how surgery may be a viable solution for correcting the problem. How Tonsils Play a Part in Sleep Apnea Read More 

Titanium Dental Implant Repairs Are Easier Than You Might Think

Dental implants are a permanent solution for repairing tooth loss due to their strength and natural appearance. Dental implants are often secured into a patient's jaw using titanium screws for strength and durability. Sometimes, these screws may break, or a wearer may develop complications due to rejection or allergies. These issues can easily be repaired at an oral surgeon's office using a variety of procedures. Titanium Implant Complications Titanium screws can break or fail for a variety of reasons. Read More 

Keeping Your Dental Implants Clean And Attractive

While dental implants are made to look like your natural teeth, they aren't teeth and must be cleaned and cared for properly. Doing the same things you're already doing is a good start, but extra care is necessary. Not only does proper care keep your implants clean and sparkling, but it also helps protect the overall health of your natural teeth, gums and entire mouth. Brush Twice a Day Just like you brush your natural teeth twice a day, it's essential to gently brush your implants twice a day as well. Read More 

Guidelines For Fluoride Use In Young Children

Parents of young children may think their tots are too young for fluoride toothpaste and worry about the safety of fluoride for their little ones. Fluoride can be a safe and effective part of your child's oral hygiene routine beginning in infancy. Making sure children use the appropriate amount of fluoride protects their smiles and lays the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health. The Best Defense Fluoride protects tooth enamel from mineral loss, which keeps teeth strong. Read More