Smile With Pride: Three Foods That Can Boost Your Oral Health

When you're gone through the process of having cosmetic dentistry work done, you've already made a time and financial investment in your smile. While you can take steps to ensure that your diet doesn't harm your pearly whites, you can also take a proactive role to ensure your diet actually benefits your smile. A wide range of foods and drinks can positively contribute to not only the appearance of your teeth, but also your oral health overall. Read More 

Three Criteria for Choosing a Family Dentist

When choosing a dentist for your family, it is tempting to just choose the dentist who is closest to your home or work. But if you have young children, it is especially important to choose a dentist who will work well with them as well as with you.  A Waiting Area for Everyone Some dentist offices will have a waiting area with nice, plush couches, a TV with the news playing on it, magazines, etc. Read More 

Are Electronic Cigarettes Better For Your Oral Health?

Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, deliver a dose of nicotine to users via a water-based vapor that lacks the chemical-laden smoke of traditional cigarettes. While the jury is still out on whether the benefits of a vapor delivery outweigh the risks, e-cigs can keep your teeth from getting as stained as tobacco products can make them. But are there any other benefits to your mouth and teeth from switching to e-cigs? Read More 

What To Do When Your Child Has A Toothache

When your child is in pain from a toothache, it can be a worrisome event for a parent. Toothaches usually indicate that there is some type of problem with their tooth. The pain can be caused by a cavity, a fracture in the tooth and even by an infected tooth. In most cases, you want to get your child in to see the dentist as soon as possible. However, you want to follow some of the tips below to alleviate the problem or to help them feel better until you can get them in. Read More 

Natural Ways To Freshen Your Breath When You Don’t Have A Toothbrush Available

If you suffer from bad breath often, and you can smell odor coming from your mouth while you are out and about in public without a toothbrush on hand, there are a few methods you can use to help the situation before someone notices. Bad breath is a problem that affects about 80 million people worldwide at any given time. It is usually an indication there may be an underlying problem with your teeth, or it may be a genetic disorder that needs constant attention. Read More